Simi Mama

How to enter the contest:

First Method:

  1. Visit any branch of Al Nahdi Pharmacies
  2. Read the competition's barcode displayed in the section through the application
  3. Approve the terms and conditions
  4. Press the Check button to get the contest barcode and enter the draw

Second Method:

Visit website and register

Terms and Conditions:

  1. This Campaign is run by AbbottLaboratories S.A. (“Promoter”)

    This Campaign is only open to Allcustomers residing in the KSA

    This Campaign shall commence on the (16/08/2018)to (03/02/2018)

    Entries received after the Closing Dateshall be deemed void.

    The following prizes shall be madeavailable under this Campaign: 120 gift vouchers of 1000SAR from Al Nahdipharmacies.

    Promoter may change the terms andconditions applicable to this campaign at any time without any prior notice

    Each gift voucher is with a value of1000 SAR that can be redeemed from Al Nahdi pharmacies*.

    The gift voucher cannot be exchanged forcash nor used for purchasing any OTC medication, prescribed medications, infantnutrition (formula, infant food or infant drinks) or dippers.

    Gifts vouchers are subject toavailability and Promoter reserves the right to substitute gift voucher withalternative gift voucher of equivalent value.

    All Entrants if selected shall benotified by Promoter, or its agent, via e-mail within 7 working days.

    In the event that a registered Entrantis uncontactable and/or does not respond within 2 days of Promoter’snotification, then Promoter reserves the right to select, without furthernotice, a replacement winning Entrant.

    All selected Entrants shall be requiredto provide their original, valid and legible ID and to sign Promoter’s standardreceipt documentation before taking legal title to their gifts vouchers.

    Refusal to provide ID and/or signreceipt documentation shall result in Promoter selecting, without further notice,a replacement recipient of the gift voucher

    Promoter shall not be liable for anydamage, loss, harm suffered to any person or thing arising out of the use ofany contents of the gift box received by the recipient.

    Promoter shall not be liable for the suspension,in operation of this Campaign as a result of any act of force majeure or anytechnical/IT/web-based issues.

    Promoter does not guarantee theintegrity of any data submitted by Entrants under this Campaign.

    Promoter reserves the right to suspendor cancel this campaign, without liability, at any time without any notice.

    Entry into this Campaign is notdependent on the conditional purchase of any Abbott Laboratories or Abbottproduct(s).

    Employees of Abbott, and their immediatefamily members, and Abbott’s agents/agencies or distributors are not eligiblefor entry in this Campaign.

    Abbott has the right to utilize winnerpictures and videos on Abbott and its partner’s social media channels.

    Pictures and videos will be used solelyto promote the ongoing campaign